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I wrote to OpenPPG and asked about their SP140 motor system.  This is their reply:

If your continuous cruise of 17.5kw is needed then I think the SP140 motor is a bit outside the scope of what your needs are. It is best to have your cruise power level around 25-35% of the total max output for your power system. 

For example, on the Sp140 our cruise power is 4 to 5 kilowatts and our max power is about 20 kilowatts so that would leave us around 25% usage for our cruise power you can go up a little bit from that to say 30-35% but I would not push it much past that as it’s best to not be living on the edge of what your power system can handle.

So you would want a larger power system most likely you would be looking at something around 2x as large and also probably 2x the cost.

This is direct from the manufacturer, and forms a reliable baseline.  So I wrote to MGM Compro asking about their complete 45kW package.  As soon as I hear back, I’ll update you.